012 440 1325 [email protected]


Our test pumps can pump volumes starting at 0.5 liters per second from depths
up to 200 meters.

Inkosi Yamanzi

Inkosi Yamanzi is one of South Africa’s leading water borehole drilling companies. Despite the fact that we were founded in 2015, we have drilled countless water boreholes and wells and installed thousands of borehole pumps, earning us a stellar reputation for providing dependable, trouble-free water supplies over the past seven years. On our boreholes and wells,
we guarantee 15 years of trouble-free service. Each system is customized to meet your specific needs. There has never been a better time to have your water borehole installed because water is the most valuable resource and because its price is constantly rising. Aside from the convenience of having an endless supply of water at constant pressure that is tailored to your needs, there are many benefits. Many of our installations have already paid for themselves and will continue to save money for many years to come!

Our test pumps can pump volumes starting at 0.5 liters per second from depths up to 200 meters. Inkosi Yamanzi can operate in very sensitive areas and is fully committed to respecting nature and the environment. We employ the tools that are most appropriate for each project,including those that can run continuously without making a lot of noise and maintain various wastewater treatment plants, and pump stations.


A water borehole is not just a hole in the ground.It has to be properly designed, professionally constructed, and carefully drilled.


Geotechnical and environmental drilling, exploration and investigation drilling is primarily an information gathering


A Borehole at a selected location for the purpose of collecting groundwater data (e.g., water levels, quality, rainfall, abstraction) over a period of time.

Gas Exploration

Hydrocarbon exploration is the search by petroleum geologists and geophysicists for deposits of hydrocarbons, particularly petroleum and natural gas.


Pumps and Accessories

  • Borehole Submersible Pumps
  • Solar Submersible Pumps
  • Pressure Booster Pumps
  • Hand Pumps
  •  Line Shaft Borehole Pumps

Industrial and Mining Sector

  • Reverse Circulation Drilling (RC)
  • Exploration Drilling
  • Pilot Holes
  • Pilling Holes
  • Angle Drilling
  • Blasting Holes
  • Water Well/Borehole Drilling
  • Symmetrix Drilling


  • Progressive Cavity (Mono, Orbit, Roto)
  • Centrifugal Single Stage (End-Suctions,
    Cast Iron, Rubber Lined, Stainless Steel)
  • Plunger & Diaphragm Pumps
  • Submersible Pump & Submersible Motors
  • Multi-Rotor (Gear, lobe)
  • Dosing Pumps

Our test pumps can pump volumes starting at 0.5 liters per second from depths
up to 200 meters. Inkosi Yamanzi can operate in very sensitive areas and is fully
committed to respecting nature and the environment. We employ the tools that
are most appropriate for each project, including those that can run continuously
without making a lot of noise and maintain various wastewater treatment plants,
and pump stations

Our Past Partners